AL Flak Fiber

The fiber source model is recommended if your application requires a validated process, e.g., if you wish to weld using the CW (continuous wave) method or pulsed, take advantage of deep welding in sheet metal fabrication, or simply if you require maximum average power.


Product Description

This fiber laser system is available with laser powers of 300, 450, 600, and 900 W. The 300 W or 450 W fiber sources can subsequently be upgraded to twice the performance if your requirements change.

The laser and movement system can be conveniently operated via the intuitive touch screen. In addition, the laser parameters can also be configured or adjusted during welding by means of the patented multifunctional footswitch. This allows you to remain fully focused on welding, without requiring you to take your hands off the workpiece. The WINLaserNC software is also programmed right on the touch screen.